
Using Ruby-JSS to work with the JSS API, PackageChange lists the policies in which a package is used and gives the ability to change this package for a new one.


$ gem install PackageChanger


Once installed, create a configuration file in /etc/packagechanger.conf

You can copy a sample file from the data folder inside the installation path of PackageChanger and fill the JSS URL, User and Password.

Once configured, you can use it:

packagechanger [--silent] [--policy PolicyID] --old OldPackageName --new NewPackageName || --list ListedPackage

The PolicyID can be either the numeric ID of a JSS policy, or its name between quotes.

Run the first execution with sudo, or change the mode of the file /private/var/log/packagechanger.log so all users can write to it.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.