Datag: da99's git tagger as a Ruby gem

A Ruby gem to print previous/next git tags: v1.0, v2.1.0, etc.


gem install Datag

Usage: Ruby

require "Datag"

Datag.list     => [ "v1.0.0", "v1.2.4", "v1.11.0", "v2.0.0", "v9.0.0" ]

system "git checkout v2.0.0"     => "v9.0.0"
Datag.previous => "v1.11.0"

Datag.bump_patch => "v9.0.1"
Datag.bump_minor => "v9.1.0"
Datag.bump_major => "v10.0.0"

Usage: Shell

Datag list       
Datag list -r   # Reverse the order.

Datag first     # oldest: v1.0.0
Datag last      # newest: v9.0.0

Datag next
Datag previous

git checkout $( Datag next )

git tag $( Datag bump_patch )
git tag $( Datag bump_minor )
git tag $( Datag bump_major )

Run Tests

git clone
cd Datag
bundle update
bundle exec bacon spec/main.rb

"I hate writing."

If you know of existing software that makes the above redundant, please tell me. The last thing I want to do is maintain code.