
Light and Flexible CloudSearch Query Interface


  • In terminal gem install CloudSesame
  • In Gemfile gem 'CloudSesame


  1. Initalize the gem
  2. Inside the Rails config/initializers folder, create a file called cloud_sesame.rb
  3. In the file, enter in your AWS credentials
require 'cloud_sesame'
CloudSesame::Domain::Client.configure do |config|
    config.access_key = ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']
    config.secret_key = ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']
  1. Setup your searchable model
  • include CloudSesame
  • call define_cloudsearch to setup your CloudSearch config, default size (optional), fields, and scopes (optional).
class Product
  include CloudSesame  

  define_cloudsearch do 
    config.endpoint = ENV[AWS_ENDPOINT]
    config.region = END[AWS_REGION]

    default_size 100  #will default to 10 if not defined

    field :description, query: true 
    field :name, query: { weight: 2 }
    field :currency, facet: true 
    field :manufacturer, facet: { size: 50 }
    field :price, facet: { buckets: %w([0, 25], [25, 50], [50, 100]), method: 'interval'}

    scope :puma_shoes, -> { query("shoes").and { manufacturer "Puma" } } 
    scope :puma_shoes do 
      query("shoes").and { manufacturer "Puma" } 

  1. How to define search fields
  2. to add a field to query_options, set query: true
  3. to add a field to query_options with a weight, set query: { weight: <any integer> }
  4. to add a field to filter_query, set facet : true