This file contain all information about "CSV data generator" project.

1. Overview
2. Format of configuration file.

Configuration file contain lines that present parameters of generated csv file.
[out,<output filename>]
[lines,<number of lines in the output file>]
[headers,<true if output file should contain headers row>]
[field specification]

2.1 Field specification

integer - int,<name>,<max value> - the generated number will be between 0..max and had the given name.
string - string,<name>,<length> - the generated string had the given name and length.
float - float,<name>,<max>,<decimal> - the generated number had the given name, will be between 0..max and had decimal digits after comma.
datetime - dtime,<name>,<date format>,<time format> . The date format is a string where user can use the following acronyms - DD for days, MM for months, YYYY or YY for years. The delimiter should be the '/' sign. The time format is "12" for twelve time format or "24" for twenty fours time format.
tdate - tdate,<name>,<time format>,<date format>