2Performant Ruby API

The API allows you to integrate any 2Performant network in your application.

Its goal is to make sure developers can implement anything that can be done via the web interface using API functions.

The API is RESTful XML over HTTP using all four verbs (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE).

The current implementation is a straight port of the PHP library, so the documentation applies, for the most part, to both libraries.

API documentation can be found at: http://help.2performant.com/API

Some Examples

Interacting with 2Performant networks is very easy.

To initialize the object using simple authentication

session = TwoPerformant.new(:simple, {
  :user => 'user',
  :pass => 'password',
}, 'http://api.yournetwork.com')

To use oauth

tp = TwoPerformant.new(:oauth, {
  :consumer_token => 'consumer_token',
  :consumer_secret => 'consumer_secret',
  :access_token => 'access_token',
  :access_secret => 'access_secret'
}, 'http://api.yournetwork.com')

Afterwards you can call any function from the TPerformant class:

# display the last 6 received messages
p session.received_messages_list

For details about each API function the documentation can be found at: http://help.2performant.com/API

Advanced Applications

You can build advanced applications using the 2Performant API and have them distributed over 2Performant App Store.

Get Started at: http://apps.2performant.com and http://help.2performant.com/Developers-Area

Reporting Problems

If you encounters any problems don't hesitate to contact us at: support (at) 2performant.com